Male Technification Camp

Villarreal sports technology center (Born between 2008 and 2012)

Welcome to the pre-registration process for our technical training campus! We are delighted that you are interested in being part of this unique experience. Below, we provide you with important information about the selection process and the next steps to follow:

Fill out the registration form: Complete all the required fields in the form to request your participation in the campus.

Selection of participants: We want to offer participants a unique and high-level experience, which is why we will only be able to accept 28 players in each turn. The selection will be made by the campus technical team and will be based on the comprehensive evaluation of the applications. The decision of the organizing team will be final.

Confirmation of participation: Once the selection process is completed, we will notify all participants whether or not they have finally entered the process. of selection. This notification will be sent by email before May 31.

Receiving confirmation: Those selected will receive an email confirmation with details on how to proceed with the campus payment.